News list for " harpie"

Harpie Warning: Over 280 Android Apps Steal Wallet Recovery Phrases

On September 9th, cryptocurrency security firm Harpie issued an Android malicious software alert. More than 280 Android apps were found to use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to steal wallet recovery phrases from images on users' devices. Harpie reminds users to take the following security measures: avoid installing apps outside the Google Play Store; ignore suspicious private messages or links; run regular Google Play Protect scans; and most importantly, avoid storing wallet reco...

2024-09-09 12:44:10

9月9日消息,加密货币安全公司Harpie发布Android恶意软件警报。超过280款Android应用被发现利用光学字符识别(OCR)技术从用户设备上的图像中窃取钱包恢复短语。 Harpie提醒用户采取以下安全措施:避免在Google Play商店外安装应用;忽略可疑私信或链接;定期运行Google Play Protect扫描;最重要的是,避免在设备上存储钱包恢复短语备份。

2024-09-09 12:44:10
Security Firm: Compound Finance Website Hacked and Directed to Phishing Site

According to security firm Harpie on the X platform, the Compound Finance website was hacked and directed to a phishing website. Users are advised not to visit the website until security is restored.

2024-07-11 07:43:39
安全公司:Compound Finance网站遭入侵并定向至钓鱼网站

据安全公司Harpie在X平台表示,Compound Finance 网站遭入侵并定向至钓鱼网站,建议用户在安全恢复之前不要访问该网站。

2024-07-11 07:43:39